OBITUARY: Warren Everett Simpson


Warren Everett Simpson of Hermitage, Tennessee passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, October 5th, he was 41 years old.

Warren was a quiet man who loved the simple things in life, like fishing. He didn’t care if he caught anything, he just wanted to be in nature and enjoy the beauty of it. He also had a simplistic but funny sense of humor. He truly was an amazing father and son. Warren will be dearly missed and always remembered.

Warren is survived by his parents, Bruce H. and Virginia F. Simpson, his brother, Michael H. Simpson and wife, Alicia S. Simpson, his beautiful children, son, Elliot and daughter, Rowan, fiancé, Ilysa Lockabey, and his best friend, Adam Stewart and daughter.

A celebration of life will be held in his honor as opposed to traditional funeral services. The family will reach out personally to everyone with the date, time and location.


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