You Can Help a Nashville Cause Win a $25,000 Grant

Photo from Music City Trykes Facebook

Communities across the United States answered the call from State Farm® to submit causes that would make a positive impact in their neighborhoods.

Music City Trykes Wish List Fund of Nashville has been nominated as a top 200 finalist out of thousands of submissions for a State Farm Neighborhood Assist Grant.

Music City Trykes promotes mobility for children with disabilities by providing adaptive tricycles. Their adaptive tricycle Wish List Program provides an opportunity to ride a bike – a childhood rite of passage – as well as an avenue for fitness, recreation and socialization that is not otherwise available to this population. Therapeutic tricycles have many documented physical and mental health benefits. However, they are only rarely covered by medical insurance making them financially out of reach for many families with children with disabilities. Music City Trykes seeks to break down that financial barrier. They also train physical and occupational therapists on how to appropriately evaluate children to determine the optimal frame and accessories. This helps to ensure the safest and most independent means of riding.

Over the past 11 years we have fit just over 800 adaptive tricycles. However, the need continues to grow. We currently have 65 children on our Wish List, some of whom have been waiting for over 12 months. $25,000 would help us put a significant “dent” in the estimated $50,000 that it would take to purchase an adaptive tricycle for every child currently waiting. We would also budget some of these funds to help us support purchase of parts for our “reCycle” Program. Through this program we repair the adaptive tricycles that children have outgrown or are no longer using and fit them to the next child waiting on our list. As our organization is 100% volunteer run, we have very little overhead expenses. This would ensure that 100% of the $25,000 raised would go to supporting our Wish List and reCycle programs.

From April 27-May 6, U.S. residents who are 18 and older with a valid email address can vote for their favorite cause at to help bring a $25,000 grant to each of the top 100 vote-getters.

“In celebration of the company’s 100th anniversary, the program is awarding more grant dollars than ever in 2022,” said Rasheed Merritt, Assistant Vice President at State Farm. “We encourage everyone to vote for their favorite causes to make a big impact in their communities.”

The top 100 vote-receiving causes will be announced on the company’s Founder’s Day (Tuesday, June 7) at, and a $25,000 grant will be awarded to each of the affiliated nonprofits.

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