Tennessee Historical Commission Announces Historic Preservation Grant Funds

Photo from African American Historical Society of Williamson County Facebook

Recently the Tennessee Historical Commission announced that the State Historic Preservation Office will be presenting more than $800,000 to 21 nonprofits, municipalities, universities, and civic organizations across the state to support the preservation of historic and archaeological resources.

“The Federal Historic Preservation Fund grant program allows for the Tennessee Historical Commission to assist communities with projects that document and preserve our state’s significant historic properties. These projects are developed with care, supported locally through the required match, and show a true commitment to preservation,” said Patrick McIntyre, State Historic Preservation Officer and Executive Director in a press release. 

The Federal Historic Preservation Fund reimburses 60 percent of the project costs with a 40 percent match of project funds from the grantee. 

This year’s grant awards include a wide variety of historic and architectural projects. Several projects will continue previous projects, such as the successful cemetery survey program in Nashville. Other grants will assist in funding preservation planners in seven of the state’s development districts, and some of the dollars are for posters highlighting the state’s archaeology and the restoration of historic buildings. 

One of the agency’s grant priorities is supporting projects from Certified Local Governments. This program allows the 50 communities enrolled to participate closely in the federal program of historic preservation. Applications for the next round of Federal Historic Preservation Fund grants will open in December 2024. 

Additional priorities include those that meet the goals and objectives of the Tennessee Historical Commission’s plan for historic preservation. Properties that use the grant funds for restoration projects must be listed in the National Register. 

Single County Grants 

Davidson County:

  • The Andrew Jackson Foundation was given $30,000 to restore Alfred’s Cabin at the Hermitage.
  • The Metropolitan Historical Commission was provided with $43,000 to fund the fourth phase of the countywide cemetery survey and preservation plan.
  • Preserve Lindsley Avenue Now received $60,000 to restore the stained-glass windows of the Lindsley Avenue Church of Christ.

Fentress County:

  • The Honeymoon House at Sergeant Alvin C. York State Historic Park was awarded $6,000 to help with an update.

Hawkins County:

  • The city of Rogersville received $70,000 to fund the restoration of the exterior of the Powell Law Office.

Henry County

  • $25,000 was awarded to the city of Paris to restore the Paris Lee School annex windows.

Knox County

  • Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum received $70,000 to restore the windows and doors of the Joe Howell home.

Montgomery County

  • Clarksville Montgomery County Regional Planning Commission was awarded $30,000 to develop Downtown Urban Design Standards.
  • Roan Mountain State Park received $11,500 to fund Miller Farmstead Archaeology and Preservation Plan.

Williamson County

  • $15,000 was given to the Heritage Foundation of Williamson County to complete the first of a multi-year county-wide survey project with a focus on African American history.

Multi-County Grants 

Middle Tennessee State University

  • The Department of Sociology and Anthropology received $4,025 for posters for Tennessee Archaeology Week.
  • Fullerton Laboratory for Spatial Technology was awarded $65,00.00 for GIS services for an historic and architectural survey

East Tennessee Development District

  • First Tennessee Development District received $40,000 to fund a preservation specialist staff position and $39,000 to fund a preservation specialist staff position.

Northwest Tennessee Development District

  • Northwest Tennessee Development District received $38,500 to fund a preservation specialist staff position.

Mid-South Development District

  • $39,000 was given to Mid-South Development District to fund a preservation consultant to prepare National Register of Historic Places nominations and address preservation needs.

South Central Tennessee Development District

  • $148,000 was awarded to South Central Tennessee Development District to fund three preservation specialist staff positions.
  • Upper Cumberland Development District
  • A grant of $35,000 was given to the Upper Cumberland Development District to fund a preservation specialist staff position.

For more information about the Tennessee Historical Commission, please visit our website. For information on grants, contact Holly Barnett at [email protected].

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