OBITUARY: Dr. James L. Martin

Dr. James L. Martin Obit

Dr. James L. Martin-Age 92 January 26, 2025.

Preceded in death by wife, Willie Mae Martin; son, James L. Martin III.

Survived by children, Linda G. Martin and John L. Martin and a host of other relatives and friends.

Family visitation, Saturday February 8, 2025, 10:00am-10:30am.

Military Honors Ceremony, 10:30am-10:45am.

Knights of Peter Claver Ceremony, 10:45am-11:00am with Memorial service to follow at St. Vincent Depaul Church, 1700 Heiman Street.

Smith Funeral Directors Inc. (615)726-1476.

Send flowers to the service of Dr. James L. Martin.

This obituary was published by Smith Funeral Directors, Inc.

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