Nashville Man Charged with Vehicular Homicide by Recklessness for January Crash

From Metro Police

Devuntaye Jenkins
Devuntaye Jenkins

Devuntaye Jenkins, 29, is jailed on a grand jury indictment charging him with vehicular homicide by recklessness.

The charge stems from a two-vehicle collision last January 26 on East Old Hickory Boulevard at Myatt Drive that fatally injured Bobby Liles, 63, of Madison.

Liles was driving his 2013 Ford F150 pickup truck east on Old Hickory Boulevard when he attempted to turn left onto Myatt Drive and was struck in the front passenger side by the driver of a westbound Chevrolet Camaro, Devuntaye Jenkins, 29. The investigation showed that Jenkins ran a red light and was traveling in excess of 80 mph in a 50 mph zone at the time of the crash.

Jenkins was arrested at his Nashville residence last night. He is being held in lieu of $100,000 bond.

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