Astrid Shumate, born May 10, 1938, in Wurzburg, Germany bid farewell to this world on October 9, 2024. Her passing, attributed to complications arising from a broken hip, leaves a void in the hearts of those who were fortunate to call her a friend.
Astrid was a free-spirited soul with an insatiable zest for nature, quail hunting and the purpose of life. Her journey was one of perpetual exploration and adventure with her beloved bird dogs constantly by her side always searching for a great covey of quail or just enjoying a beautiful stroll outdoors.
Having moved to the United States in the 70’s with her husband, Strother Shumate, she was enamored with America and soon became a US Citizen for which she hailed as one of her greatest accomplishments in life.
Astrid soon established herself as a dedicated and trustworthy realtor as indicated by her countless realtor awards. She worked at some of Nashville’s most prestigious real estate firms. Most of her clients would become some of her greatest supporters and friends.
At her core, she was an independent, determined and most of all a grateful human being. As a lifelong philanthropist and humanitarian, Astrid never missed an opportunity to help a mission especially ones that would protect the rights and well being of women, children and of course, animals.
A Celebration of Life is tentatively scheduled for the spring of 2025 to be held at the Nashville Gun Club and a private ceremony at Poole’s Knob, her “sanctuary.” More details to be provided closer to the memorial. In the meantime, tribute cards can be directed to [email protected] or by mail to Melissa Bloom 1227 Otter Creek Road, Nashville, TN 37215.
If you feel called to honor Astrid, donations may be made to your favorite charity or Old Friends Senior Dog Rescue.
We thank everyone who accompanied her on her life’s journey especially her closest friends: Bettina, Ami and her “neighborhood circle:” Kay, Margaret, Vick, and Laurie who always kept an eye out for her.
In Astrid’s journal she wrote: “be grateful, kind, and find your peace and meaning in this world.” What an aspiring motto to live by.
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