Nashville Man Free on Bond for Car Burglary Rearrested for Auto Theft

From Metro Police

Dillon Krantz, 22
Dillon Krantz, 22

A Nashville man free on $10,000 bond in relation to his May arrest for car burglary and fraudulent use of a credit card was today arrested for stealing a pickup truck belonging to a Papa John’s delivery driver from the parking lot of a convenience market near 21st and West End Avenues.

Dillon Krantz, 22, is now jailed in lieu of $60,000 bond.

Shortly after the vehicle was taken at 11:05 this morning, officers spotted it traveling on Charlotte Pike near 36th Avenue and attempted to stop it. Krantz didn’t immediately pull over, but drove at about 30 mph to a parking lot two blocks away. Undercover detectives from the Midtown Hills and West Precincts took him into custody without incident.

In addition to stealing the Nissan Frontier, Krantz is also charged with stealing a Lexus sedan from the parking lot of a convenience store on McCrory Lane June 2.

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