Centennial Art Center Awakens Winter With an Expressive Exhibit

Centennial Art Center
Small moonscape vases by Larry and Tracey Rogers

Centennial Art Center enlivens winter with a collection of works by the Nashville Calligraphers Guild (NCG), abstract paintings by Sandy Spain, and inventive ceramic art by Larry and Tracey Rogers. A gallery opening will be held February 3, 2023, 5:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at Centennial Art Center; this exhibit will capture the viewer’s imagination and immerse visitors in a world of scripted words and inviting colors.

The Nashville Calligraphers Guild warms up the gallery with its collection of work called “Alphabet Soup” Like a delicious soup which combines different ingredients to create a harmonious whole, the artists of this lettering guild use the alphabet to masterfully craft beautiful calligraphic art in a wide variety of styles. The artists take an assortment of letters, arrange them deliberately and create something with beauty and meaning. In this exhibit, the artwork ranges from colorful, abstracted floating letters to classically illustrated prose and poems.

The Nashville Calligraphers Guild fosters the continued study, practice, and use of calligraphy among its members and encourages community awareness of the art of calligraphy. Open to all, it is a community who truly enjoys the written word and the endless ways it can be expressed. Valerie Cypress, exhibition coordinator for Nashville Calligraphers Guild, states “In a world of instant messages, calligraphy offers viewers a chance to slow down and reflect on the full meaning of words.”

Accompanying Nashville Calligraphers Guild’s collection are abstract paintings by Sandy Spain. Sandy intertwines blocks of intense color and geometric shapes to create paintings with mosaic-like qualities; for other paintings in this display, such as “Love Letters” (shown here), Sandy uses lines, shapes, splashes of color to create luminous paintings with a lyrical sense of motion.

Describing her work, Sandy explains, “My paintings begin with a personal expression of feelings and colors as I search for happiness, meaning, and a spiritual connection.” As gallery visitors peruse these paintings, they may notice hidden designs that add deeper meaning or humor; a connection the artist hopes will inspire.

A resident of Nashville, Tennessee, Sandy teaches drawing and abstract painting at Metro Parks Centennial Art Center. She is a full-time artist with paintings are in private collections around the world. Sandy Spain studied with prominent Nashville artists, Michael McBride and James Threalkill.

Ceramic artists, Larry and Tracey Rogers (of LTR Pottery), round out the exhibit with some of their newest work. These wheel-thrown symmetrical pieces are juxtaposed with rough texture and colorful additions to create one-of-a-kind sculptural forms. These moonscapes maintain their functionality beyond their unique appeal. Using this intriguing motif, the artists have created test tube vases, lamps, and more.

Larry and Tracey began their clay journey in 2004 when Tracey gifted Larry pottery lessons for an anniversary present. Larry attended the first round of classes by himself and Tracey began classes with him shortly afterwards. They have taken many workshops along the way to find their own style and direction. Larry enjoys throwing on the wheel; Tracey enjoys handbuilding with slabs. They collaborate on many projects throughout the building, glazing, and firing process.

This exhibit will be on display February 3-March 23, 2023. Centennial Art Center Gallery is free and open to the public. Gallery hours are Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Gallery Metro Parks Centennial Art Center is a visual arts community center located in the northeast corner of Nashville’s Centennial Park.

For more information, call Centennial Art Center at 615-862-8442, visit online: www.nashville.gov/mpva or find them on facebook.

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