Middle TN High School Football Scores – Week 3


High School football is underway.

Here is a look at your Week 3 Middle TN High School Football scores for the following nine counties: Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Maury, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Wilson and Williamson.

Cheatham County

Cheatham County @ White House High: 0-41
Harpeth High @ Whites Creek, game Thursday: 26-28
Sycamore vs Waverly Central: 20-42

Davidson County

Cane Ridge @ McGavock, game Thursday: 54-19
Glencliff @ Greenbrier: 0-53
Hillsboro vs Smyrna: 7-24
Hillwood vs Pearl Cohn, game Thursday: 0-1, forfeited 1st quarter
Hunters Lane vs Mt Juliet: 6-42
John Overton vs Dickson Co: 21-7
Maplewood @ Smith Co: 16-56
Whites Creek vs Harpeth High, game Thursday: 28-26


Creek Wood @ Marshall Co: 0-42
Dickson @ John Overton: 7-21

Maury County

Spring Hill @ Page: 6-47
Mt Pleasant vs Cascade: 14-16
Columbia Central vs Franklin Co: 33-9

Robertson County

East Robertson vs Trousdale Co: 0-22
Greenbrier vs Glencliff: 53-0
Jo Byrns @ Red Boiling Springs: 52-0
Springfield @ Northeast: 34-22

Rutherford County

Blackman vs Riverdale: 18-49
Eagleville vs Moore Co: 8-7
MTCS vs Clarksville Academy: 24-27
Siegel vs Rockvale: 7-1-4
Smyrna @ Hillsboro: 24-7

Sumner County

Gallatin @ West Creek: 54-12
Hendersonville vs Beech: 28-10
Portland @ Northwest: 56-19
Station Camp @ White Co: 7-20
Westmoreland @ Watertown: 0-6
White House vs Cheatham Central: 41-0

Wilson County

Wilson Central vs Green Hill: 15-25
Watertown vs Westmoreland: 6-0
Mt. Juliet vs Hunters Lane: 42-6
Lebanon @ Cookeville: 21-14

Williamson County

Brentwood vs Summit: 14-27
Centennial @ Independence: 0-35
Fairview vs Stewarts Co: 41-27
Franklin @ Ravenwood: 10-46
Nolensville vs Lincoln Co: 56-6
Page vs Spring Hill: 47-6

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